What happens during rainy weather?

If it looks like heavy rain and lightning is imminent, the coach will contact parents to let them know if the lesson is cancelled for the day. This will be done at least one hour before the lesson. There are no charges for cancelled lessons. Make-up classes can be held permitting time and scheduling.

If rainy weather occurs during the lesson, the coach will either teach lifesaving skills, conduct land-based drills, or end early to top up time at the next class.

Do note that lessons can still go on when there is a light rain with no lightning.

What happens if the water is cold during lesson?

For children who are vulnerable to cold, we advise them to wear long-sleeved neoprene swim suits. A normal swimsuit can be worn underneath for additional protection.

If we see the child is severely cold and displaying signs of hypothermia during class, we will ask the parents to warm up the child on land by wrapping them in a towel, putting them in the sun, or drinking a hot drink. He/she can re-enter the water whenever they are ready.

In the event of the pool being severely cold in Singapore due to a string of wet weather, we will also consider to cancel the lesson for children below the age of 4, or having a shorter duration of swimming time.

At what age do you recommend for kids to learn swimming?

Generally, we recommend children to learn swimming from 5 years onwards. Children who are more mature and comfortable in the water are welcome to try learning earlier.

It is best that the child is at least 1.10 metres in height. The training pool has a depth of 1.0m, and being taller than that will allow them to stand in the pool. This gives them much more confidence and sense of assurance, allowing them to progress much faster.

What happens if my child is the only one in the class as the others are away, sick, etc ?

The swimming lesson will be reduced to 40-45 mins in duration. This is because we find that young children get too tired if they are the sole focus of the coach. We can adjust to the situation, depending on the age and energy of the child.

When will I see results?

While it does depend on the age and level of water confidence a child has, almost all children will see positive results within a month. Most children will be able to swim at least one stroke within 6 months, and will possess additional other water skills (breathing, floating, etc). We will work hard so your child can go as far as he or she reasonably can, and will update you on the progress frequently.

What’s your teaching philosophy?

Friendly Otters believes that kids can learn swimming safely and efficiently, and have fun at the same time. We do not scold or harshly push children, as it will only exacerbates their fears and delays their learning and enjoyment. As long as we create a friendly environment and give them the tools to learn and be safe, children will naturally enjoy the water and pick up swimming faster.

Do I need to bring anything for lessons?

Yes, goggles and appropriate swimwear is a must.

That’s it!

Swimming boards can be loaned from us. Ideally, your child won’t be using it for extended periods as we aim to get them up and swimming as soon as possible. So save your money and storage space.

If your child is below 1.0m in height, it means that they won’t be able to stand in the training pool. Hence, we will advise a back floatation aid for safety. It can be loaned from us at the start.

And refer to our article here for additional items if your child gets cold easily.

Are there any hidden fees?

Absolutely not. All fees are clearly stated in our fees page. There are no registration fees, GST fees, or other surprises. We don’t believe in charging penalties either.

Do note that entry to public swimming complexes will be paid directly to ActiveSG.

How is payment made?

Payment can be made through Paynow. Lesson payment is upfront. A digital invoice will be issued after the end of every 4 lesson cycle, with the date of each attended lesson.

What happens if my child falls sick or we go on holiday?

Just let our coach know as soon as possible. We are parents too and we do not charge for missed lessons, as long as there is a reasonable heads-up given. No medical certificates are required. If its a holiday, we hope you all enjoy yourselves and we will see you again when you’re back!

Why do you teach in limited areas of Singapore?

Friendly Otter offers a ton of flexibility and doesn’t charge for unused lessons. We can do this because we live close to the swimming pools at which we teach. We can see the weather conditions and advise parents early. This policy just wouldn’t be possible if we are living far from the pool.

Are classes exclusive i.e. the class size is fixed forever?

No, all class sizes can be adjusted depending on the age and ability of the children, as well as the absenteeism rate.

As the children get older and more independent, it is better they learn in a larger group, as they will observe their peers and try to match one another. Hence, class sizes will tend to increase as the students learn more.